Education / Training Partners
ESG for a Risk Manager
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks can no longer be considered as an afterthought to other business risks. Also referred to as Sustainability risks, effective management of ESG risks can build an organisation’s resilience and ability to respond to a rapidly changing environment and evolving social landscape. Mismanagement of ESG risks has left many organisations highly exposed, impacting valuations and achievement of strategic objectives. The rise of Responsible Investment and Finance aimed at meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), increased impacts of climate change, the corporate responsibility for businesses to respect human rights, and the pandemic have helped highlight how incredibly relevant ESG risk management is to the long-term success of a business.
This course will provide background on ESG and what ESG risk is, the current state of play in regulation and standards and disclosures, materiality, and integration into ERMS.
This course is aimed at providing an introductory and comprehensive view of the state of ESG Risk management, from what ESG means and its real-world impacts, how standards and frameworks such as GRI and SASB consider ESG risk, the expectations of listed entities in line with the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, through to integration into Enterprise Risk Management and risk governance more broadly. Click here to find out more.
Preventing and Responding to Workplace Sexual Harassment - A Risk Management Approach
You can’t afford not to tackle sexual harassment and sexual misconduct in the workplace. The costs to individuals and to businesses are enormous. An important step in ending sexual harassment and creating safer, more inclusive workplace cultures is to ensure the elimination of sexual harassment is firmly planted on executive and board agendas.
We know there are underlying drivers and individual workplace risk factors that allow inappropriate and unsafe behaviours to occur. One such risk factor is senior leaders failing to initiate crucial conversations and take meaningful, demonstrable action to end sexual harassment and make workplaces safer for everyone. 1 in 3 people have experience sexual harassment at work, yet of those who witnessed it, only one third took action.
Attend this workshop and learn how to drive effective, tangible change and initiate critical conversations at work – and keep the elimination of sexual harassment firmly on the agenda. Click here to find out more.
The Effective Audit and Risk Committee – A Critical Pathway in the Governance Framework
The ARC plays an important function in any organisation and is a critical pathway in the governance framework.
This course will provide a framework of the purpose and key functions of an Audit & Risk Committee, particularly focussing on Committee responsibilities for effective, organisational risk management. This course provides practical tools and tips to make your committees more effective and successful.
This course is aimed at providing newly appointed non-executive directors and executive management with the skills and tools to be effective Audit and Risk Committee members. We will discuss and debate case studies to highlight strengths and weaknesses of ARC operations. Experienced committee members who think their existing committees could be strengthened might also find this course helpful.
We will ensure participants have an increased understanding of the key elements of a robust and practical enterprise risk management program, and their roles and responsibilities in the effective implementation of risk management. Click here to find out more.
Effective Risk Reporting
An organisation may have state of the art risk management frameworks and policies, practices, and controls but if the Board, sub-committees and executive are not kept up to date with what is really happening in the business, then this is in fact a failure of the organisation’s risk framework, governance and culture. Effective risk reporting is key to bringing it all together.
This course will provide background on the types of risks that need to be reported up to the Risk Committee, Executive and Board as well as the types of reports that should be presented and the critical information that they should contain. Click here to find out more.