Education / Training Partners

The Protecht Group

Bundle: CPRA Certification

This learning bundle includes eight courses that are aligned with the Risk Management Institute of Australasia's (RMIA) Certified Practicing Risk Associate (CPRA) certification pathway. This learning bundle fulfils the Educational Pathway and can be used in your application to apply for the CPRA certification with the RMIA.

  • ERM – Bringinging It To Life

  • Risk Bow Tie and Root Cause Analysis

  • Risk Appetite Statement and Frameworks

  • Risk & Control Self-Assessment

  • Controls Design & Assurance

  • Compliance and Compliance Risk Management

  • Incident Management

  • Risk Management for Line 1

This learning bundle will take approximately 36 hours in total to complete. Click here to find out more.

Bundle: CPRM Certification

This learning plan includes eleven courses that are aligned with the Risk Management Institute of Australasia's (RMIA) Certified Practicing Risk Manager (CPRM) certification pathway. After completing these courses, Protecht will provide you a Certificate of Completion. This can be used in your application to apply for the CPRM certification with the RMIA.

  • ERM – Bringinging It To Life

  • Risk Bow Tie and Root Cause Analysis

  • Risk Appetite Statement and Frameworks

  • Risk & Control Self-Assessment

  • Controls Design & Assurance

  • Risk Metrics and Key Risk Indicators 

  • Compliance and Compliance Risk Management

  • Incident Management

  • Risk Management for Line 1

  • Risk Management for Boards

  • Strategic & Project Risk Management

This learning bundle will take approximately 48 hours in total to complete. Click here to find out more. 

Compliance and Compliance Risk Management

This course covers both Compliance Management and Compliance Risk Management. The focus is on the development of an efficient risk-based approach to compliance management and what that means in practice from recording compliance obligations to setting up a risk-based approach to monitoring compliance. The management of compliance risk is also covered using an ERM framework.

The course also covers the ISO 37301 standard and aligns the concepts to this standard. Click here to find out more. 

Controls Design and Controls Assurance

Your internal control framework and individual controls are the front line in managing your risks, yet they are often misunderstood, neglected and operating inefficiently and ineffectively.

This course is focussed on providing a deep understanding of controls to enable optimally designed controls to be implemented to achieve maximum effect for minimum cost.

Once we are comfortable that we have a well-designed controls framework, we need to gain assurance that our key controls are working effectively. Having a robust controls assurance function is key. The course will take you through best practice in controls assurance to allow you to benchmark your existing process or assist in building an effective and efficient function. Click here to find out more. 

Enterprise Risk Management – Bringing it to Life by Turning Theory into Practice

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is all about managing the full range of enterprise risks in a consistent, common, and integrated way so as you deliver a complete aggregated view of risk across the organisation. The key is moving from a siloed, risk and business area centric view of risk to one that is truly enterprise wide. 

This course provides the complete jigsaw puzzle that is ERM, covering in a practical way, the elements that make up a strong ERM capability from Governance, People and Culture, Escalation and Reporting and Continuous Improvement, through to a focus on all of the typical systems and processes that need to be in place. These include Risk Assessment, Risk Metrics, Incident Management, Controls Assurance, Issues and Actions Management and Compliance. The course will build an ERM ecosystem that sets out the complete picture of practical ERM to enable you to develop a blueprint in order to benchmark your current framework and capabilities and assist you in developing your strategy for your Enterprise Risk Management going into the next decade. Click here to find out more. 

Incident Management

This course is aimed at risk practitioners wanting to gain an understanding of what a risk incident is and what the different types of incident are, thereby gaining awareness of the processes required to manage an incident well. Gain the ability to analyse an incident using Bow Tie analysis and to identify what went wrong and improvements to avoid it happening again. Click here to find out more. 

Culture and Conduct Risk

This course is aimed at risk practitioners wanting to have an understanding of culture and conduct risk and get insights on how it can be measured, monitored and managed. Click here to find out more. 

Operational Resilience

This course is aimed at risk practitioners and business managers who are responsible for meeting the new operational resilience requirements and expectations of the regulators and stakeholders and / or are looking to implement a robust value adding operational and business resilience capability. 

The course leverages the extensive guidance issued to date by the financial services regulators (including the FCA, PRA, Basel, ECB and Fed). This guidance is used as a base for introducing a comprehensive, practical and efficient resilience methodology which leverages from, and integrates with, your existing ERM framework, including BCP,  Recovery and Contingency Plans, Stress Testing and Capital Management capabilities. Click here to find out more. 

Risk and Control Self Assessment

This course is aimed at risk practitioners and business managers who have, or are looking to implement, a robust and comprehensive Risk & Control Self Assessment (RCSA) process within their organisation. The course covers all aspects of the RCSA process from design and implementation through to carrying out assessments, reporting results and creating follow up actions. The RCSA process is considered both as a stand-alone process and as part of an integrated Enterprise Risk Management framework.

The course applies the AS/NZS ISO 31000 and 31010 standards. Click here to find out more. 

Risk Appetite: Statements and Frameworks

The setting of an organisation’s Risk Appetite is a critical component of a robust risk management framework. This course is focused on improving knowledge and skills in relation to setting Risk Appetite and Tolerance for all of your organisation’s key risks and developing a comprehensive Risk Appetite Framework and Risk Appetite Statement. Click here to find out more. 

Risk Fundamentals for Everyone

Are you struggling to engage the masses in risk management? Is risk management perceived as an enabler or a crutch? Our new Risk Fundamentals for Everyone course is designed to provide everyone in your organisation a solid foundation for risk management. We strip away the jargon and make risk relatable through storytelling and practical examples. Click here to find out more. 

Risk Metrics and Key Risk Indicators

The measurement of risk greatly assists in its management, yet the measurement of particularly non-financial risk is providing elusive. Risk metrics are the key.

This practical course is aimed at risk practitioners and business managers who have implemented or are looking to implement, a robust and comprehensive Key Risk Indicator capability within their organisation.

The course covers all aspects of setting up, running and developing KRI processes that can be used both as an essential component of the overall risk management framework as well as a powerful tool to assist management in the day to day control of the business. Click here to find out more. 

Risk Bow Tie and Root Cause Analysis

Bow Tie and Root Cause Analysis are the keys to the effective and proactive management of Risk.  Prevention is better than Cure and prevention comes from managing risk at its source, the root causes. In addition, root cause analysis applied to incident management allows us to understand where things went wrong, to identify the issues and develop actions to remediate. 

This course provides you with a detailed working knowledge of the Risk Bow Tie Analysis technique and its application in not only root cause analysis but in providing a wider and more intimate knowledge of your risks.  Risk Bow Ties should be at the centre of everything we do in risk management. 

The deep analysis of risk using Bow Tie will also be used to develop clear risk taxonomies and ensure risk descriptions are clear and consistent. Click here to find out more. 

Strategic and Project Risk Management

This course is aimed at understanding risks associated with strategy, projects and change with an in-depth look into tools to analyse these risks. Click here to find out more. 

Third Party Risk Management

This course is aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) from defining its scope, through the design of a robust framework, to the day to day operation of the TPRM processes. Click here to find out more.